How do I use a Voucher code I have received from
Select your desired products, add it to your cart. Paste the voucher code in the “Voucher” box and click on ‘OK’ button to apply the voucher.
Select your desired products, add it to your cart. Paste the voucher code in the “Voucher” box and click on ‘OK’ button to apply the voucher.
If you wish to cancel your order, get in touch with our support staff with your order number within 24 hours of order submission. After 24 hours you cannot cancel your order and no amount will be refunded as the translation work has been commenced.
As our service is of virtual nature, we send the soft copy of translated document in PDF Form to email address which you have provided to us. There is no need for physical international shipping.
Your order status is updated to you via email, if you prefer to get information through SMS or by Phone, you can mention this as instruction before ordering, or you may call our support staff during office hours.
Acceptable Payment Methods are: Online Bank Transfer Pay via Easypaisa Via Paypal
If you opted for physical printed documents delivery then we will send it through courier and will not charge you any shipping charges. But mostly the translation is done and soft copy in the form of PDF is delivered to your provided email address.
Your order will be delivered exactly within the given time as per your selection of package. For example if you chose a package with 2 days delivery time then it will be delivered exactly within two days.
Your order will be delivered by email as this is a virtual product. Your order in the form of printed documents may be delivered by courier service of your choice and on your demand. Currently we provide delivery via Leopards Courier Services, Daewoo Express and Pakistan Post.